2015 Accomplishments
The Friends of Montclair RR Trail wishes to thank our many dedicated volunteers and generous contributors for their ongoing support. Our appreciation, too, for the expertise and assistance provided by the great people at the City of Oakland, the Montclair Village Association, Montclair's Pet Food Express, and other community organizations with whom we've worked throughout the year.
Safety and Maintenance
• Planned and held 12 productive volunteer workdays -- Recruited and trained new volunteers from age 5 to age 85 -- Volunteers donated nearly 900 hours in time to trail upkeep and special projects • Remediated various trail hazards -- Solicited donations, grant and local business association funds and arranged the removal of 3 stands of eucalyptus trees that posed a fire danger to nearby homes -- Limbed, cut up and stacked dead tree branches, and coordinated with the City for disposal (to reduce fuel load) -- Worked with Montclair Village Association to ask business employees to not smoke in or around trail areas stressed by the drought -- Repaired problem areas of paved trail with purchased asphalt -- Installed flags to mark potentially dangerous issues until they could be resolved -- Reported stressed or fallen trees and other serious hazards to the City • Deepened drainage ditches, to improve water flow and to help keep debris off trail • Regularly refilled 5 dog waste stations (with earth-rated bags donated by Pet Food Express) |
Preservation and Restoration
• Anticipating upcoming heavy rainfalls, consulted with City on flooding potential at "Cortereal swale.” Implemented City’s recommendations:
-- Using sandbags, protected and reinforced open drain; camouflaged or hid sandbags to reduce visual impact
-- Purchased jute netting and installed it on deeply sloped areas to prevent erosion
-- Removed debris and established natural course to help slow water flows and avoid flooding
• Built retaining structures (with available rock and logs) for slipping hillside at Melin Cut
• Received City approvals, sourced vendors and began production of new signage to identify trail entrances
-- First large sign to be installed in early 2016 near flagpole at the top of LaSalle
-- Using sandbags, protected and reinforced open drain; camouflaged or hid sandbags to reduce visual impact
-- Purchased jute netting and installed it on deeply sloped areas to prevent erosion
-- Removed debris and established natural course to help slow water flows and avoid flooding
• Built retaining structures (with available rock and logs) for slipping hillside at Melin Cut
• Received City approvals, sourced vendors and began production of new signage to identify trail entrances
-- First large sign to be installed in early 2016 near flagpole at the top of LaSalle
Education and Awareness
• Sent monthly announcements to email list about upcoming volunteer workdays
-- Posted trail workday signage with flyer specifying location and encouraging volunteerism
• Helped Friends of Sausal Creek to develop a flyer that, like our own, informs dog owners that pet waste harms natural systems and contaminates the watershed
• Developed and distributed email alert to trail users, including links to educational sites, about potentially toxic mushrooms
-- Posted trail workday signage with flyer specifying location and encouraging volunteerism
• Helped Friends of Sausal Creek to develop a flyer that, like our own, informs dog owners that pet waste harms natural systems and contaminates the watershed
• Developed and distributed email alert to trail users, including links to educational sites, about potentially toxic mushrooms
• Held monthly Board meetings, distributed minutes, developed proposals and coordinated issue resolutions and activities throughout the year
• Purchased and maintained tools and other supplies for use by volunteers
• Purchased and maintained tools and other supplies for use by volunteers
We've already kicked off 2016 in a big way!, putting in nearly 100 newly donated native plants along three trail entrances and installing our first-ever "Montclair Railroad Trail" sign at the top of La Salle Avenue. These are just two examples of the many enhancements and improvements still to come. By joining, volunteering and donating – and encouraging others in the community to do similarly – we hope to continue making the trail, and your experience on it, ever better.
Thanks for all. We're looking forward to a safe, happy and rewarding 2016 with you.
Barbara, Henry, Lin, Jeff, Valerie and Bernadette
Board Members